Media. History. Technology. Future.
Cars. Robots. AI.
Visual Culture. Design. Art. Film.

Hi, I am a cultural researcher and historian of technology (PhD), writer, editor, journalist and visual creator. Born in Berlin, living in Paris, intercultural experienced and trilingual, I have a track record of 100 publications and gave keynotes in five countries. Specialized in the relation of culture & technology, my main fields of expertise are mobility studies & visual culture, media & the imaginary – everything that makes us dream.
I can help you with insights in societal transformations & cultural shifts, new technologies & future trends. If you need someone who combines skills in research & analysis, visual sensibility and communication, I am happy to hear from you.
Last publications

Last Blogposts
Presentation of my book on the history of autonomous driving at Sorbonne University, Paris
During my talk on March 21, 2024 at the History of Science / History of…
On the Techno-Imaginary of the Car Battery
Looking back at the 20th century, the history of the automobile seems to be primarily…
New book in Czech about autonomous driving
Today, I received this beautiful book titled “Automatizované řízení vozidel a autonomní doprava: Technické a…
Conference on batteries at Leuphana University Lüneburg (2019)
Just coming back from a very inspiring conference about the culture and technology of batteries…
New publication: Les Imaginaires et les techniques (2018)
I am very happy to announce the publication of an anthology edited by Marina Maestrutti…
Autonomous vehicles – the new public transport?
The automotive industry had been in a phase of transformation for several years. We can…
I worked with
ads advertisement art as research Auto im Film automobile history autonomous driving autonomous vehicles batteries branding car battery car culture chronos cultural history of the automobile E-Bikes electric vehicle Epiphanie Frankreich Glasarchitektur Gläserne Manufaktur Hans Jonas Helios history of autonomous driving history of innovation History of Technology imaginary Islamische Kunst Jacques Tati Landesmuseum für Technik und Arbeit Louis Malle Lust am Auto Markeninszenierung masterclass Metamorphosen Mimi Sheller Mobilitätswandel Mschatta-Fassade Mythologie des Automobils Salon du Cycle society of control sorbonne vedecom Verheißung und Apokalypse Virtuelles Museum visual culture Zukunft des Automobils