autonomous driving

New book in Czech about autonomous driving

Today, I received this beautiful book titled “Automatizované řízení vozidel a autonomní doprava: Technické a humanitní perspektivy” (Automated driving and autonomous transport: technical and humanities perspectives). The cover is designed in neon green, framing an iconic image of automated driving from the 1960s. The background of the drawing is highlighted in neon orange. The cover […]

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Auto-Mobile DNA, The Mythology of the Automobile in the Society of Control

Werbeanzeige von Volkswagen, in: DER SPIEGEL Nr. 30/2002, S. 28-31.

(First published in: Kröger, Fabian, Automobile DNS, Zur Mythologie des Automobils in der Kontrollgesellschaft, in: Treusch-Dieter, Gerburg, Düker, Ronald, Gehrke, Claudia (Hg)., Konkursbuch Auto, Tübingen 2004, S. 161-170). Translation: G. M. Goshgarian The domestication and subjection of the auto and the self The tremendous success of the “index fossil” known as the automobile finds its

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