An Overview on 50 Years of Research: From Automated to Autonomous Driving

Oberseminar – Institut für Regelungstechnik – Technische Universität Braunschweig

November 5, 2024, Braunschweig / Germany (online).

L’histoire de la recherche sur le véhicule autonome aux États-Unis, au Japon et en Europe (1950-2000)

Interfaculty seminar HSHI – Histoire des Sciences / Histoire des Innovations – UMR SIRICE, Université Paris-Sorbonne / Université Paris 1- Panthéon-Sorbonne / CNRS.

March 21, 2024, Paris / France.


Forty years of research on autonomous driving in the US, Europe and Japan: a transnational study on pioneers, innovations and technological change
Workshop The Future Use of Autonomous Vehicles, Fondation France-Japon de l’École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales (EHESS) (pdf), PSL University.
June 20, 2019, Paris / France.

Forty years of research on autonomous driving in the US, Europe and Japan : a transnational study on pioneers, innovations and technological change
Journée Jeunes Chercheurs du GERPISA: From past influences to future challenges:
new energy vehicles and autonomous vehicle
(pdf), Ecole Nationale Supérieure (ENS) Cachan.
April 5, 2019, Cachan / France.

Zur Geschichte der Batterien im Automobil
Conference: Reichweitenangst – Batterien und Akkus als Medien des Digitalen Zeitalters, Leuphana University Lüneburg.
January 25, 2019, Lüneburg / Germany.


Technique et imaginaire de l’accident de voiture
Séminaire d’Anne-Françoise Garçon: Technique, Imaginaire et Société
Centre d’histoire des techniques, Institut d’histoire moderne et contemporaine (IHMC), CNRS, Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne
April 22, 2017, Paris / France.


Gender/Drive: Das Automobil im Film
Lecture series (Ringvorlesung): Die Liebe zum Automobil. Geschlechteranalysen jenseits von Stereotypie und Neutralität
Technische Universität Braunschweig
June 23, 2015, Braunschweig / Germany.

Announcement of the lecture series

The car is more than just a means of transporting people from A to B. Thanks to its plasticity, it serves as a mobile living room or office, toy and leisure device. The car is a material representation of culture. It is a symbol of modernity and stands for freedom, autonomy, independence and individual consumption. At the same time, it is considered a global epidemic (WHO 2013) with the symptoms of accidents, noise, standstill, space and resource requirements. As an individual power amplifier or extension of the driving self, the car is a medium for communicating lifestyles and identities. It is therefore hardly surprising that driving competence is linked to persistent gender stereotypes and that the car can serve as a resource for staging gender. More than almost any other technology of the 20th century, the car is intertwined with different lifeworlds.

The contributions of the speakers to the international lecture series present current research on the gender-technology relationships of cars and the different forms of car use. They will take us to various stations: to motor shows, to vehicle construction, to forms of appropriation and to debates on increasing vehicle automation and the utopias of self-driving cars.

Not so Smart – Imagined conflicts with driverless cars in film history
Workshop: How Smart is Sustainable Mobility? How Sustainable is Smart Mobility?
TU/e Eindhoven University of Technology
March 19, 2015, Eindhoven / Netherlands.


L’accident de voiture dans les films français et américains
Journée d’étude: Objectiver la sécurité routière
Institut des Sciences de la Communication, CNRS / Paris Sorbonne / UPMC
December 11, 2014, Paris / France.

Shifting gender images of autonomous driving in film and the role of the voice (1990-2010)
Workshop: Self-driving cars and 
the transformation of public and private transportation
Department of Media Studies, University of Paderborn
November 6, 2014, Paderborn / Germany.

Car accidents and crashes in French and US-film history
12th Annual Conference of the International Association for the History of Transport, Traffic and Mobility (T2M): Spinoffs of Mobility: Technology, Risk, Innovation
Drexel University
September 19, 2014, Philadelphia / USA.

Le fonctionnement culturel de l’automatisation: L’histoire imaginaire et technique de la voiture autonome
Séminaire Pensée Technique, Institut d’histoire moderne et contemporaine (IHMC), CNRS, Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne,
April 10, 2014, Paris / France.

Les Trente Glorieuses de l’automobile en France
Cours Magistraux L3 Option Histoire des techniques
Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne.
March 14, 2014, Paris / France.

Automated driving in the context of cultural and societal history :
The image history of the driverless car and its lessons

Daimler and Benz Foundation, Villa Ladenburg – Expert Workshop: Autonomous Driving
February 21, 2014, Monterey, California / USA.

L’accident de voiture entre cinéma et sécurité routière : Le cas James Dean
Séminaire: Histoire de la mobilité, organisé par l’association « Passé-Présent-Mobilité » P2M (Université Paris I – Panthéon-Sorbonne, Université Paris IV – Sorbonne, Université Paris Diderot, CNRS),
Université Paris Diderot.
January 16, 2014, Paris / France.


Histoire technique et imaginaire de la voiture autonome
Colloque international: L’Imaginaire et les Techniques,
Société d’Encouragement pour l’Industrie Nationale (SEIN)
November 14, 2013, Paris / France.

Les objets techniques dans le cinéma de Jacques Tati
Masterclass: Penser la technique avec Jacques Tati,
Centre d’histoire des techniques, Institut d’histoire moderne et contemporaine (IHMC), CNRS, Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne
June 1, 2013, Paris / France.


L’accident de voiture dans le film français 1950-1975
Mondial d’automobile Paris 2012. Les ateliers du mondial, CCFA
October 11, 2012, Paris / France.


Cars and communication technologies in film: The car radio as magic technology
Doctoral Summerschool: Mobility and Information Technologies: a long term perspective,
(TU Eindhoven, Université Paris Sorbonne, Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, UMR IRICE, Cité des télécoms, Orange)
Cité des télécoms, Parc du Radôme, Pleumeur-Bodou
September 13, 2011, Pleumeur-Bodou / France.

Fahrerlos und unfallfrei – Eine frühe automobile Technikutopie und ihre populärkulturelle Bildgeschichte
Workshop: Technology Fiction: Technische Utopien und Visionen in der Hochmoderne, SFB 804: Transzendenz und Gemeinsinn, Teilprojekt M: Das Fortschrittsversprechen von Technik und die Altruismusbehauptung der Ingenieure in der technokratischen Hochmoderne (ca. 1880-1970).
Technische Universität Dresden
June 17, 2011, Dresden / Germany.

L’histoire de l’image et des savoirs de l’accident de voiture pendant les Trente Glorieuses en France et aux Etats-Unis
Centre d’Histoire des Sciences et d’Histoire des Techniques (CH2ST) / EA 127 / UFR 09 – Histoire, Université Paris I, Panthéon – Sorbonne
March 10, 2011, Paris / France.

Wissens- und Bildgeschichte des Autounfalls
Deutsches Forum Kunstgeschichte
February 15, 2011, Paris / France.


Nach dem 2. Weltkrieg brach in den USA und Europa das “Goldene Zeitalter” der Autounfälle an. Damit gewann auch die Unfallforschung an Bedeutung. Um Wissen über Unfälle zu produzieren, arbeitete sie verstärkt mit Bildern. Parallel dazu griffen die Künste den Autounfall auf: Film, Fotografie und Bildende Kunst produzierten ein Gegen-Wissen, das uns an den Tod erinnern soll. Der Vortrag fragt nach diesen Wechselwirkungen zwischen den Verbildlichungsstrategien der Wissensproduktion und den Wissensformen der Bildproduktion in den USA und Frankreich 1945-1973.


L’accident de voiture dans le film
Atelier: Travailler avec les sources filmographiques, Organisé par le CIERA
Ecole nationale supérieure – Lettres et sciences humaines (ENS-LSH), Lyon
June 19, 2009, Lyon / France.

Announcement of the “atelier”

Researchers from a variety of disciplines – sociologists, ethnologists, historians and civilization specialists, for example – are increasingly incorporating film sources into their research. All too often, however, their analyses are limited to an aesthetic reading of the films selected, or do not sufficiently highlight the richness and complexity of these films as sources. The aim of this workshop is to reflect on possible approaches to these very diverse sources (fiction, documentary, advertising, newsreels, animation, etc.), whose analysis requires an appropriate method, just as is the case for written or oral archives. The aim here is to take into account works that do not consider film as a simple illustration of a hypothesis or demonstration, but rather as a complex source in its own right, providing the basis for a specific scientific reflection, focusing in particular on a study of cultural productions and practices, as well as representations, on a national and international scale.

Researchers analyzing film sources face a number of questions. We will focus on 3 main areas:

  • Defining the corpus of filmographic sources:
    This involves identifying the archive centers and source locations available, according to the film genre(s) under study, and setting criteria to legitimize the choice, both quantitatively and qualitatively.
  • Film analysis :
    The researcher must apply an analysis grid that meets the challenges of the research being carried out, and applies appropriate tools that combine the study of content and form as much as possible.
  • Analysis of the context of production, realization, distribution and reception:
    The film source needs to be placed in the context of these different stages, with the help of a cross-study of other written and oral archives (script, production plan, distribution network, critical discourse, testimonials, etc.).

The day will be opened by Caroline Moine (Centre d’histoire culturelle des sociétés contemporaines, Université de Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines) and Matthias Steinle (Université Paris 3 Sorbonne Nouvelle). The afternoon will be devoted to presenting and discussing the work of doctoral students working with filmographic sources.


Die Kulturwissenschaft und das Automobil
Kulturwissenschaftliches Seminar, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
May 24, 2007, Berlin / Germany.


La science de la culture et l’automobile
Technocentre (Headquarter Renault)
July 4, 2006, Guyancourt / France.

La science de la culture et l’automobile
Centre Européen d’Études de Sécurité et d’Analyses des Risques (CEESAR)
July 3, 2006, Paris / France.


Vom Glas, dem Unfall und der DNA-Automobilität – Analogien im Kreisverkehr zirkulieren lassen
Veranstaltungsreihe infooffspring, Dresden (gefördert von der Bundeskulturstiftung).
Installation vor Ort zum Thema Automobil und menschlicher Körper
Mai 29, 2003, Dresden / Germany.


Humangenetische Forschung am Menschen
Seminar Genmedizin, Bildungswerk der Heinrich Böll-Stiftung
March 23, 2002 / Berlin / Germany.


Biotech-StartUps auf dem Campus der FU Berlin
Organisation, Vortrag und Führung des Rundgangs “hinGEN!” zur Genforschung auf dem Campus der Freien Universität Berlin, mit Oliver Sonntag.
June 29, 2001, Berlin / Germany.


Kultur-Konzepte: Ausschluß und/oder Selbstermächtigung?
Antirassismus-Tage, Otto Suhr-Institut der Freien Universität Berlin, mit Birgit Krug und Hae-Lin Choi
July 3, 1999, Berlin / Germany.


Linke und Popkultur
Volksuni Berlin, mit Birgit Krug
March 15, 1998, Berlin / Germany.

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