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Kröger, Fabian, Maestrutti, Marina (eds.), Les Imaginaires et les Techniques, Presses des MINES, Collection Sciences de la conception, Paris 2018.

Abstract of the book in English (translation from French)

The contributions on the imaginary and the technology presented in this book offer different and varied approaches, sometimes in contrast but nonetheless in dialogue, to the role of the imaginary in the construction of our social representations of technology. In concrete terms, they show how the imaginary, far from being confined to playing a functional role in advancing or accepting innovation, contributes to a profound and sometimes contradictory questioning of technological developments in all their complexity.

The various contributions analyze the transformations in the imaginations of technical objects in the different stages of innovation (airplanes, robots, autonomous cars, medical imaging, etc.), trace the imagining of technical objects in visual culture (posters, cinema) and literature, question the role of the imaginary in conception and design, examine the relationship between myths and techno-imaginaries as well as the metaphorization of technical catastrophes.

This volume provides an overview of current research into the imaginary of technology, combining socio-anthropology, philosophy, the history of technology, information and communication sciences and literature. By focusing on the symbolism of technology throughout history and cultural contexts, the book helps to “put into culture” and “into society” ancient, contemporary and emerging technologies.

in: Kröger, Fabian, Maestrutti, Marina (eds.), Les Imaginaires et les Techniques, Presses des MINES, Collection Sciences de la conception, Paris 2018, p. 13-35.

L’histoire techno-imaginaire du véhicule autonome,
in: Kröger, Fabian, Maestrutti, Marina (eds.), Les Imaginaires et les Techniques, Presses des MINES, Collection Sciences de la conception, Paris 2018, p. 149-166.

Le cinéma comme creuset d’imaginaire ferroviaire (book chapter),
in: Arnaud Passalacqua (ed.), ImagineTrains, L’Imaginaire du train chez ceux qui les décident et ceux qui les utilisent, Final report of the French team for the project ImagineTrains, Commissioned research for the Mobile Lives Forum, March 2017, p. 226-258.

Le long cheminement de l’imaginaire cinématographique de la voiture autonome,
in: Flonneau, Mathieu, Levesque, Stéphane (eds.), Choc de Mobilités, Paris 2016, p. 55-67.

L’importance du cinéma pour l’histoire des techniques
in: e-Phaïstos, Revue d’histoire des techniques, Volume II, N° 2, december 2013, p. 56–77.

Scan of the article (pdf)

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