
2013: Creation of a Webpage, a billboard and a Flyer for the conference L’Imaginaire et les Techniques in Paris.

2012: Creation of a blog about the history of the Sorbonne University (course “Paysage urbain et territoire”, Master Erasmus Mundus – Techniques, Patrimoine, Territoires de l’industrie (TPTI) of the Centre d´Histoire des Sciences et des Techniques (CH2ST), Université Paris I – Panthéon Sorbonne, France.

2006/2007: Website-Creation for the company Lebensschritte – Ernährungsberatung und Coaching (offline).

2006: Creation of a virtual gallery for the artist Gerhild Kröger-Hachmeister (offline).

2004: Creation of the cultural studies research platform Carstudies.

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